

From origin to destination, Averitt's e-Notifications alert you when there has been a change to the delivery status of your shipment. Now you can be notified through email or text message with real-time updates, giving you the ability to plan around the unexpected or to ensure that you or your customers are available to receive a delivery.

Sign Up For E-Notifications Today!

  • Receive updates electronically straight to your inbox or to your mobile phone via text message, either for a single shipment or for all shipments on your account.
  • Never get caught off guard when a shipment has been delayed or if no one was available at the destination to accept a delivery.
  • Share status notifications with multiple phone numbers and email accounts so that all parties involved are on the same page.
  • Inform your customers when an OSD exception or change to the delivery schedule occurs so that they can plan ahead.
  • Rest assured when you are immediately notified that your shipment has been delivered.

Get Started With E-Notifications Now!
notifications updated


Need immediate assistance? Contact our Customer Technology Support Team at 1-877-281-7131 or by email.

From the Blog

Browse recent articles from our transportation industry blog, Point to Point, including timely information about current industry trends and tips for ensuring that your freight gets from origin to destination safely and securely.

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Cargo Theft Surge: What You Need to Know

Cargo theft has been a persistent issue in the logistics industry, but the first quarter of 2024 saw a significant...

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Simplifying Cross-Border Shipping: Best Practices and Solutions

The implementation of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) in 2020 significantly reshaped economic...

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Peak Season Prep: 6 Tips for a Smooth Supply Chain

Peak seasons, such as holidays or special sales events, are periods when businesses typically experience significantly...