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This Is The True Hero of Your Supply Chain [Video]

Written by Point To Point | September, 6 2017

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Your Hero, the driver

"They're the heroes your supply chain deserves, they're the ones you can count on. So they'll keep driving. Because they can handle the job - they're everyone's heroes. They're professionals, watchful protectors of your freight. Your drivers..."

Alright, so that might not be the EXACT quote from the end of Christopher Nolan's epic super hero movie The Dark Knight, but it's how we THOUGHT it should end. Your drivers may not wear capes or fight against comic book villains on a nightly basis, but you have to admit that they are the everyday heroes that help keep our world turning.

Day in and day out, professional drivers travel across the American landscape, making pickups and deliveries in the good weatherand the bad. Facing tight deadlines amid congested roadways and other impediments, the professionals behind the wheel soldier on because they know that your business, your employees and your customers depend on them.

And through all of the stresses he or she experiences in having to maneuver a large tractor and trailer along the nation's crowded roadways and through narrow city streets, your driver arrives at your business with a smile and willingness to go the extra mile to get the job done.

Drivers are more than just familiar faces that pickup and deliver freight. They are the most important aspect of the supply chain. Without them, everything would come to a grinding hault. They are, in fact, our heroes.

Quick Truck Driver Facts

  • There are approximately 3.5 million truck drivers in the U.S.
  • Average long haul driver puts in as much as 125,000 miles annually (an average of 3 million miles over an entire driver's career)
  • Over 80% of U.S. communities depend solely on the trucking industry
  • An estimated 70% of all freight in the U.S. is transported by truck drivers annually
  • Truck drivers transported 10.49 billion tons of freight in 2015


Every year, carriers and businesses in the U.S. recognize professional drivers for the hard work and dedication they bring to our great nation. This year's National Driver Appreciation Week (NDAW) will take place from September 10th through the 16th.

While carriers will be planning to honor their drivers in various ways, such as cookouts and prize giveaways, we'd like to encourage shippers to take the time to show appreciation to their drivers as well.

What Can You Do To Show Your Appreciation For Your Driver?

There are plenty of ways that you can support your driver and show him or her how much that you truly appreciate them.

  • Greet them and shake their hand
  • Ask them how their day has been
  • Offer them a snack or cold water

Additionally, let your carrier know how much you appreciate your drivers. At Averitt, we try our best to recognize our drivers at every opportunity possible, and we love to hear what our shippers think about our men and women in red.

Tell US About Your Hero!

In honor of National Driver Appreciation Week 2017, we'd love to hear about your hero behind the wheel of your business. Tell us about your driver in the comment section below!